Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Oh my, it has been so long since I posted! I really don't know where the time goes. This week has been a trying one for me. I've had sick children and now a sick husband. I'm exhausted! I'm afraid I may be coming down with something myself. I'll be so glad when we all can shake the illness and get back to normal...(whatever that is!).

I hope you all remember tomorrow is Valentine's Day, so don't forget your sweethearts! Show some kindness to everyone you meet tomorrow. Try to show the same kindness and courtesy to your family that you would show to a stranger. I'm so guilty in that department. Try wearing that smile when you see the kids have destroyed your clean floor with muddy footprints and spilled juice. Try holding your tongue when you see that your husband has yet again left his clothes where he dropped them and his dirty socks are still turned inside out! (I love you, Honey!) Just remember, a little kindness and a smile can go a long way. Who knows, you may just make some one's day!

And, please remember, above all else, thank the Lord for His everlasting love for you, even when you're unlovable. Even when you leave the dirty trail of sin in your heart, He still loves you. Even when you've spilled the ugliness of ungratefulness, hurtful words, and unloving actions, He still loves you. And, He keeps on loving you.

Thank you Lord for all the blessings of my life. Thank you for loving me when I've been unlovable. Thank you for forgiving me when I can't seem to forgive myself. Forgive me where I've failed you and help me spread your love to all I come in contact with today and always. Help me to be a supporter, an encourager, a friend. I pray that all I meet will see the Son shine in me.

Happy Valentine's Day, Lord. I love you!

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

-- John 3:16

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