Thursday, March 19, 2009

Trusting the Pilot

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
-- Proverbs 3:5 NKJV

Hey there! Please forgive me for not posting in a couple of days. My children are on spring break this week, so it's been a little difficult to find the time to blog. Thank you for understanding!

Yesterday, Bailey and Zack went up in an airplane for the first time. Did I mention it was a small airplane? David has a friend that has his pilot's license and so he rented a plane for an hour or so and off they went. Dear little Chloe and I didn't get to go...we'll catch it next time around...maybe. (Did I mention it was a very small plane?) We had instructed the kids to be quiet, listen to the pilot, and to do whatever he told them to do. They were told they could talk when the pilot said it was permissible. Being quiet and listening are not my children's strong points. Bailey was so nervous. She was looking forward to it and had been all day, but she was still so jittery. Zack, on the other hand, was excited and seemed calm, cool, and collected. David took the camera and the video camera to catch their reactions at take-off. Let me tell you, it was priceless! As they were moving down the runway, you could see the anxiousness on Bailey's face. Zack, still, was a picture of calm. Then as they actually lift off the ground, you can see Bailey's reaction start at "Oh no, oh goodness" and change into "Oh, YES!" Zack only gave a hint of a smile. As they are up and flying, you can see the joy in their faces. They don't know where they are headed and they don't know what the outcome will be...but, Oh Boy, they are enjoying the ride!

Of course, as I was watching the video and looking at the pictures, I was struck by the lesson in this flight. How much trust do I put in my Pilot? How much joy am I experiencing on this ride? My children's trust was put wholeheartedly into this man. They believed the pilot would take care of them if they were quiet and listened. They knew not to talk over the pilot because they would miss some very important information. They were a little apprehensive about what to expect, but still they trusted. And in turn, they had a once in a lifetime experience filled with adventure and delight. How awesome is that?

Am I letting God be my pilot? All my faith and trust should be in Him. I need to be quiet and listen for His instruction. When I try to do things my own way, I miss some great blessings and get pointed in the wrong direction. As I follow the instructions and let God's plans for me take flight, I may be a little fearful at first and may even encounter some turbulence, but oh my...When God's plans get off the ground, what excitement and joy will fill my soul! Do you know the best thing about joy and excitement? They are contagious! Go spread some around!

:) Becky


Barbara said...

What an excellent easy to relate too. Those times when we have to trust because there is no other way, prepares us for when we have a choice...and know...that He will take care of us. Thanks for sharing that amazing reminder.

Tracy said...

Great Word today, Becky! Such an awesome parallel! Thanks for sharing those fun airplane photos! Our family took a ride in a very small plane once...our son was young and much like yours, the picture of calm. Hubby and I were quite anxious and were so grateful when we landed! = )