Monday, February 1, 2010

Be Generous and Do Good

This morning I was reading in Galatians 6:6-10 (NKJV). What struck me the most was this:

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all...

Let us not grow weary of doing good to all. ALL. All includes those people who ignore me. All includes people that cause me trouble. All includes those people who I don't particularly like. All includes those people who have hurt me. All includes those people who drive me crazy. All includes those who give no encouragement. All includes those who do not show mercy. All includes those who don't love me. All includes all those God loves. All those God loves is all of us...every single one of us. Not one person is left out.

We shall reap what we sow. If I refuse someone mercy, will I be given mercy? If I turn away others in need, will others also turn me away? If I fail to show compassion, will I fail to receive compassion? Now, I'm not saying that we should ever be doormats. However, if the opportunity arises to show someone kindness and mercy....we should always take the opportunity to love them like Jesus. Some times that's a card in the mail to encourage. Some times that is a dollar to help. Some times that's a change in plans. Some times that is a interruption in a schedule. Some times that is running late for an appointment. Some times that is whispering a prayer in the midst of chaos. Some times that is helping someone who can't or will not help themselves. Some times that is swallowing our pride and helping someone who maybe hasn't been kind to us. God calls us to do good and be generous...with mercy...with kindness...with forgiveness...with love.

Now, I am not capable of doing any of this within my own strength. However, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:13). I'll have to pray for God to open my eyes, strengthen my heart, and work through me to seize the opportunities that show themselves in my path today and always. And to do good to all, even when its hard.


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1 comment:

Barbara said...

We all need that reminder to be alert to things around us and opportunities to share His love. Enjoyed this post and I love the pix!